Mar 20, 2010


when am I going to remember to bring my real camera instead of using my blurry phone camera!!

Mar 17, 2010


I ate way too much. Alex made me laugh so hard that I cried. The mayate waitress left us sitting there for 10 minutes without menus until I had to say something and her response was "oh, i'm sorry. i didn't even see you sitting there." IT WASN'T EVEN BUSY!! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!! Whatever... it was a good time after that mishap.

Mar 15, 2010

Yet another

miserable day at work. It's hard to get through the work day when I haven't eaten, nor slept. Nothing seems to cure the sickness.

Had wicked dreams about rainbow roosters last night. WTF does that mean!

Mar 14, 2010


I think I've laughed harder today than I have in a long time. I'd forgotten how important friends are in my life. Sorry that I've been so closed off for so many years. It was a beautiful day and I wish I could find my friggin' camera battery so that I could have taken lots of pics. The camera phone pics I took are so not worthy of being posted... just blurry and unsuitable. I swear I'll get a new battery soon!

Mar 12, 2010

Mar 7, 2010

NIETZSCHE's truths

"To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence."

"All in all, punishment hardens and renders people more insensible; it concentrates; it increases the feeling of estrangement; it strengthens the power of resistance."

"In our interactions with people, a benevolent hypocrisy is frequently required—acting as though we do not see through the motives of their actions."

"For as long as they praise you, never forget that it is not yet your own path that you walk, but another person's."

"When you have a lot to put into them, the day has a hundred pockets."

"Admiration for a quality can be so strong that it deters us from striving to possess it."

"We place no particular value upon the possession of a virtue until we detect its complete absence in our adversary."

"The higher we rise up, the smaller we appear to those who are unable to fly."

"There will be but few people who, when at a loss for topics of conversation, will not reveal the more secret affairs of their friends."

"mistrust everyone in whom the impulse to punish is strong!"

"He who fights against monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you stare persistently into an abyss, the abyss also stares into you."

"Which is it? Is man merely God's mistake? Or is God merely man's mistake?"

"A matter that becomes clear ceases to concern us.—What was that god thinking who counseled, "Know thyself!" Did he perhaps mean, "Cease to concern yourself! Become objective!"

"Crude men who feel themselves insulted tend to assess the degree of insult as high as possible, and talk about the offense in greatly exaggerated language, only so they can revel to their heart's content in the aroused feelings of hatred and revenge."

"Dans le véritable amour c'est l'âme, qui enveloppe le corps."

"Quidquid luce fuit tenebris agit."

"Death is close enough at hand so we do not need to be afraid of life."

"Everything in the world displeases me: but, above all, my displeasure in everything displeases me."